Every morning over the summer of 2000 as I drove to work in Columbia, Maryland, I would hear the DJ's on the radio talk about this crazy new roller coaster called "Superman: Ride of Steel" that had just opened at Six Flags America in Washington, DC. Hearing all about this great ride day after day made me rethink my fear of roller coasters, and I decided to try and tackle it once and for all. Well, my new Maryland friends liked coasters, and Michael (another coaster fanatic) came up to visit from Florida, so I decided it was the perfect time to take a day trip to Six Flags America. Needless to say, I was instantly hooked! At first I was a little apprehensive about going on all the craziest coasters, but near mid-afternoon I was ready to jump on the Superman ride.
My tradition so far is to get a picture for every day I spend at a park, and so here they are! More will be added soon, hopefully!
Click on a thumbnail to enlarge.

Back to front, L to R: This is Jessica, Michael, me, and Joe on the ride called Roar at Six Flags America. Its a really big, really awesome, really wooden coaster.
This one was taken at King's Dominion on a pretty cool coaster called the Anaconda. Chris was in the car behind us, so his head was cut off -- no not really, just in the picture -- and then there's me with my hair flailing, then Kevin, and in the front are Josh and Katie. We decided beforehand to do silly faces for this picture...wait, no I think we all just normally look like that.
This one was at Busch Gardens in Tampa on an awesome coaster called the Montu. It was my first day visiting Busch and actually riding the coasters! From left to right it's Randy, Dan, me, and Michael. We rode the Montu 6 times that day, and Dan got the last one on videotape. Watch for it at your local theatres!
On a lazy Sunday afternoon in Ocala, Mike and I were talking about coasters and decided that we might as well head out to Busch Gardens for the rest of the day. This was taken on the Montu. Mike died about halfway through the ride but was then successfully resuscitated afterwards.
This was taken at Islands of Adventure Theme Park in Orlando on the coaster called the Incredible Hulk (if you couldn't tell by Mike's expression). From left to right it's me, Dan, Andrew, and Mike. If you haven't been to Islands of Adventure yet, go! It kicks major butt, not to mention the full service bars! ;-)
Here's my brother, Marc, with Andrew, Michael, and I on the Hulk during our second trip to IOA. Marc is now a newly converted coaster fanatic. We couldn't convice my Mom to go on any coasters, however, but we convieniently failed to tell her about the drop on the Jurassic Park ride. :) At least she was still smiling in the ride photo taken on the way down!
Here we are on the Hulk yet again. (It's too bad the Dueling Dragons doesn't have ride photos.) There's Randy, me, and that seedy character in yellow is Mike. This was taken about mid-December, so unfortunately it was a bit chilly and drizzly while we were there. But we still got plenty of rides in!
There's a wooden coaster in Fort Lauderdale called the Dania Hurricane that was finished sometime around Thanksgiving 2000. Its quite a fun little coaster with some nice airtime, although they charge too much per ride. Here's Kevin and I in the last car. We were the only ones on the entire train.
Here's Kevin and I and two complete strangers on the Rockin' Roller Coaster at Disney's MGM. Its a launched coaster (awww yeeeeah), it has loud music piped in (unfortunately it's Aerosmith, but somehow it works), and its mostly in the dark. I was wondering when they were going to incorporate more sensory input into a coaster... Leave it to Disney!
This was taken on the Kumba on a trip to Busch Gardens. A guy was about to get in the 4th seat, but was nice enough to get off and wait for the next train when we told him we needed that seat left empty. He was extremely cool about it. Thank you sir, wherever you are!
There are many more pics waiting to be scanned in!