Timber, pictured here in sleep mode. .


Timber is the newest addition to the family!

Timber and his litter mates were found in a barn by some local children. They gave away his healthy brothers and sisters to various neighborhood folks, and because he was sneezing they brought him to the animal hospital. The staff there agreed to take him in, treat his upper respiratory infection and try to find him a good home.

A couple of weeks later, I happened to stop by the hospital to see another kitten that needed a home. I was carrying it around and trying to get to know it better, when I looked into the back room and stopped in my tracks. There before me was the cutest tiniest siamese-mix kitten all by himself in a huge isolation kennel. I instantly fell in love. He was so cute! When he meowed a couple of feeble little "mews," stared up at me with those big blue eyes, and stuck his tiny paw through the bars -- my heart melted. When I picked him up he instantly started purring. He gently pulled my face closer with two tiny powder puff paws and gave me lots of little kitten kisses on my chin. I brought him home that afternoon.

He had fully recovered from his little upper respiratory infection and after a couple of blood tests and a shot (ouch!), I was given the okay to bring him home with me. I kept Jake and him separate for the first couple days, but I was able to leave them alone together sooner than I had expected to -- on the fourth or fifth day. They got along really well. Jake seemed happy to have a little friend to take care of, and Timber seemed happy to have a big brother to wrestle with. They are becoming closer every day.

Timber is definitely a "lap kitty" who loves to cuddle, but he's also a little firecracker. He loves to try to tackle Jake as he strolls by (and I stress the word TRY). One of these days he'll get big enough to actually make Jake notice him or change course or something. :) Right now he weighs maybe 2 or 3 pounds, and he is twice the size that he was when I first got him. He used to fit entirely in one hand. My, they grow up so fast. :)

Jan 8, 2002: Timber is fully grown now, though he still looks very much like a kitten despite his size. He's still ultra-soft and super-fuzzy, and is a fierce competitor for the "cutest and most cuddly cat alive" award. He and Jake are bestest buddies, and its almost too cute to bear when they lick each other on the head. :) Timber is finally able to knock Jakey over on those surprise sneak-attacks, too. Pretty much everything Timber does is so cute you almost explode, thus his middle name: "Nermil."

His favorite toys: little spots of light on the wall or floor (when they're on the ceiling he just meows at them), his cool ball-in-a-track thing, feathers on a fishing pole-type thing, my sneakers, little pompom balls, fuzzy colored pipe cleaners, the frilly ends of area rugs, the bare wall (?!?), and just about anything else he sees or thinks he sees. :)

Where he likes to sleep: in Jake's bed at the window, next to Jake, in the pot of my fake tree, in a basket, "undercover kitty" with me (and boy, does he tickle), and wherever else he can snuggle

What he likes to eat: Jake's Purina One Reduced Calorie (Chubby Cat Food), marshmallows,

Here are some videos of Timber as his usual goofy self. (The staff at krismus.com bears no responsibility for any explosions of cute which may occur upon watching these videos.)

Timber wants candy and cat tails.avi (2.2 megs)

Timber washes his face (1.8 megs)


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