Hi Readers!
This editors note is dedicated to all of those people out there
who have dreamed since childhood about flying into space.
You have looked up into the night sky and fantasized about touching
the stars. Well, I am not saying you are actually going to touch the
stars but you now have the guidelines to follow if you wish to do so.
NASA and its space partners have released the "rules of the road"
for those who can afford and want to travel to the international space
station. The partners include a 16-nation base consisting of Russian,
European, Canadian and Japanese representatives. The Multilateral
Coordination Board released the criteria with Russia being the main
country selecting future tourists. The reason for this is because
Russia is currently the only country taking civilians into space. NASA
is said to be considering it, but no definite plans are set.
Some criteria includes being nominated, meeting medical standards,
speaking "moderate" Russian or the native language of country
taking the occupant and minimum training for at least a week at
NASA's Johnson Space Center.